
SDE (Software Development Engineer) at AWS (Amazon Web Services). JHU Alumni.


  • Web Development
  • Software Engineering
  • Robotics
  • Machine Learning


  • M.S.E. in Computer Science, 2020

    Johns Hopkins University

  • BSc in Computer Science, 2019

    Beijing Institute of Technology




Amazon Web Services, Inc.

Feb 2021 – Present Seattle, WA

SDE Intern

Amazon Web Services, Inc.

May 2020 – Aug 2020 Baltimore, USA
Responsibilities include:

  • Full-stack web development

Undergraduate Research Assistant

Beijing Laboratory of Intelligent Information Technology

Dec 2018 – Jun 2019 Beijing, China
Responsibilities include:

  • Conducted research investigation on stereo matching and implemented algorithms of classical papers using MATLAB
  • Proposed a novel constraint of correspondent pixels based on geometry observation made easy by aligned-contours from two input images

R&D Intern


Jul 2018 – Sep 2018 Beijing, China
Responsibilities include:

  • Contributed to an open-source PerfCV library aimed at optimizing OpenCV performance on GPU
  • Re-implemented certain functions of OpenCV C++ source code using C and OpenCL, leading to applications like video stitching

Undergraduate Research Assistant

Software Intelligence Laboratory of Beijing Institute of Technology

May 2018 – Jan 2019 Beijing, China
Responsibilities include:

  • Finished a human pose estimation project to demonstrate real-time human pose with virtual characters in Unity3d
  • Built an optical axis automatic calibration system, featuring a data processing module, a UI module, and a motor-control module



A React App to Calculate GPA

A simple website providing GPA calculating function based on React, featuring adding and deleting courses, real-time GPA calculating

UR5 Robot Path Planner

A Probabilistic Road Map path planner based on Obstacle Sampling, enabling narrow collision-free path planning for UR5 robot arm such as entering a car frame

Contour-based Stereo Matching

A novel constraint to better describe the occlusion in the stereo matching optimization process using contour information, with the assumption that contours happen along with occlusion

Human Pose Estimation Based On Deep Learning

Using Unity3d to demonstrate human pose, in another word, using human pose to drive virtual characters

Optical Axis Automatic Calibration System

A complete system featuring laser data visualization, processing, and storage, as well as motor controlling, aimed at making optical axis calibration as simple as possible

Who should be the NBA MVP?

AI course project, using Decision Tree model and the data from 2007~2017 NBA MVP top three candidates to predict who should be the NBA MVP